Hello and good to meet you!
I am an experienced practitioner, teacher and researcher of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over 20+ years. I first studied TCM on a four year Masters Level Diploma at the International Institute of Chinese Medicine, Sante Fe, New Mexico in 1999. I later gained a Masters' Degree in Chinese Herbal Medicine (MSc CHM) and a Masters' Degree in Advanced Professional Practice (MSc APP) from the University of Westminster, London, UK. I practiced in Ireland and then the UK for 10 years. After moving to the USA in 2013, I upgraded my education to a Masters' Degree in Oriental Medicine (MAOM) from a NCCAOM accredited college in St Paul, MN, followed by a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) from CIIS/American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM) in San Francisco, CA. I also have a separate Diploma in Tuina (Chinese Massage), which has some techniques in it not unlike myofascial release, which I also use for musculoskeletal work.
So, I am uniquely licensed to practice in three different countries - the USA, UK, and Ireland - and now in WI. I am a member of WISCA, the Wisconsin Society of Acupuncturists, and am nationally Board Certified in Oriental Medicine, Dip. O.M. (NCCAOM). I am still a current member of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine, UK (RCHM) and the Acupuncture Council of Ireland (TCMCI).
In Ireland I practiced with my husband Ken, an experienced Acupuncturist and Myofascial Release therapist, in our own Complementary Health Clinic - The Panda Clinic - in Clonmel, Tipperary. During that time, I was also Senior Lecturer, Clinic Supervisor and then Director of a private Chinese Medicine school - The College of Oriental Medicine - in both Dublin and Cork, which operated for 6 years, and graduated over 50 students to BSc/MSc Diploma Level in Chinese Medicine. Many former students are still in full time practice in Ireland over 15 years later.
I am also a published researcher in Chinese Herbal Medicine, for the Cochrane Collaboration, and in the Journal of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine (JAIM) for the California State Oriental Medicine Association (CSOMA) in 2023.
I specialize in chronic complicated multi-system conditions, in behavioral health, and herbal treatments for cancer survivorship. Please download the brochures on this website for more information on my practice and the more general conditions I can treat. I have treated many different conditions with success. If you are not experiencing much relief with your current treatment, I encourage you to book an appointment.
Dr Denise Visconte
DACM, MAOM, MSc CHM, MSc APP, Lic. Ac. (WI), Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)