Integrative Medicine Associates
Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, and more ...

Helpful Forms and Brochures

The following forms will help us work together.  Please print and complete and scan them to send to me as email attachments before your first session.  This will reduce the need for taking information during your consultation and give us more time to consult.  Two forms are mandatory for insurance to have on every client file.  Apologies for this unfortunately necessary paperwork before we get started.  Please send your forms back to:

You are also welcome to download the attached brochures about our services: 

Informed Consent

This covers your consent for all your consultations and treatment. Please print this form, complete it, and send it to us before your first session.

Legal Agreement

This form may look alarming! This is just an agreement between us to settle any potential legal claims out of court, much less costly for both of us, in the very unlikely event this happens. It never has yet!

Chinese Medicine Brochure

Explaining our services and some of the conditions we can treat

Herbal Medicine Brochure

Explaining herbal medicine and some of the conditions we can treat

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